Sky Pham Presents Donation to the 55th President of Mexico, H.E Vicente Fox Quesada to Help Earthquake Victims in Mexico at the Global Official Dignitary Awards (G.O.D)

NEW YORK, USA  10-25-2017

The 5th Annual Global Official Dignitary Awards (G.O.D.) recognizing humanitarian attributes of World Leaders, Royalty, Religious & Spiritual Leaders, and Top Businessmen & CEO’s, integrated with the 4th Annual WCH Humanitarian Summit last October 20-21, 2017 in New York.

As you know, a 7.1 magnitude earthquake has ripped through Mexico City and surrounding areas, less than two weeks after another earthquake shook the country’s south. Hundreds were killed, homes and community buildings were destroyed , including a school where at least 30 students were believed to have been killed, and over 5 million children across the region are at risk. Therefore, they will need lots of emergency response team for medical aid for survivors and supplies to hospitals as well as coordinating relief efforts with NGO and government authorities.

There are high amount of medical facilities are severely damaged in the most affected areas, creating an urgent need for emergency medical supplies. We recognized that the President Vicente Fox’s Foundation, Vision Mexico, has been working really hard with local partners to create long-term plans to help re-establish medical services for survivors.

At the 5th Annual Global Official Dignitary Awards (G.O.D.), integrated with the 4th Annual WCH Humanitarian Summit last October 20-21, 2017 in New York, on behalf of the Compassionate Hands Foundation and the Vietnamese students in U.S.A, Phạm Nguyễn Đăng Trình, known as Sky Pham was honored to present to H.E. Vicente Fox Quesada, the 55th President of Mexico and the Former First Lady Marta Sahagún de Fox, the donations of $ 10,000. His team and the Vietnamese community hope this gift will enable people in Mexico to continue responding to the devastating earthquake and they are truly grateful for the acceptance from the Former President Vicente Fox Quesada.

Lastly, I would like to send my deepest gratitude to Mr. Carlos Slim for multiplying the check by 5 times donating to this good cause and especially all of our DONORS and VOLUNTEERS from the Compassionate Hands Foundation for your contribution!

Letter to Support Mexico-1
Donation Offer Letter to the 55TH President of Mexico, Vicente Fox Quesada written by Sky Pham
letter to Mr. Phạm Nguyễn Đăng Trình-1.jpg
Thank You Letter from the 55th President of Mexico Vicente Fox Quesada and former First Lady Marta Fox
Captura de pantalla 2017-10-23 a la(s) 17.51.44
Former President Vicente Fox Quesada makes a public statement to the Compassionate Hands Foundation on social media

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